🌲 Established Extensions

The list lists extensions with installs between 1,000 ~ 5,000 in the last 360 days, sorted from newest to oldest by launch date. Extensions in this install base range have already achieved significant success and may have developed some brand influence among users. Developers need to be very cautious about trying to develop similar products, especially when these extensions have just surpassed 1,000 installs, as they are often highly competitive in the market. If you're planning on cutting into the market, this is your last chance, but you'll need to do your market research and differentiate your features.

Glance - Automatically rename downloaded file

5.00 (4)1000

Automatically rename downloaded files, help you find the file you downloaded with just a glance!No more clicks to see it!…

Chrome Downloads

5.00 (4)2000

Easily access and manage your chrome downloads. Open your downloads folder and organize google chrome downloads effortlessly

Better Flight Finder

4.00 (2)1000

While browsing other flights booking sites, you can get notifications for cheaper prices to save money.

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Bye-Bye Cookie Banners β€” Cookie Consent Automator


42000 users

Never see a GDPR cookie banner again. This extension automatically rejects all or accepts minimally required cookies.

WhatsApp Blur Extension

51000 users

WhatsApp Blur extension protects your privacy on WhatsApp Web by blurring sensitive information with customizable settings.

Showing 461 - 480 of 1495