🌿 Growing Extensions

This list includes extensions with 100 ~ 500 installs in the last 90 days, sorted from newest to oldest. When an extension has more than 100 installs, it usually indicates that it has gained a certain level of attention and recognition from users, and its traffic may come from SEO, social networks, or store referrals. For developers, such extensions have already proved the attractiveness of their features. If you are planning to develop a similar product, this is the stage where you can start focusing your research and find your own innovative direction by imitating or optimizing these features.

Trustoo.io Product Reviews


4.57 (7)499

Trustoo.io Product Reviews

Sidebar for ChatGPT - Free Access

4.91 (11)259

Quick access to ChatGPT for all tasks. Fast AI chat without API in your sidebar. Chrome extension, OpenAI.

Chesscom Enhancer

5.00 (3)127

A free and open source extension that adds new features to Chess.com matches.

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Save Chat to Doc

5100 users

A simple extension that save Chat to doc file.

Drag Maze: Back-and-forth Blockers


0.00475 users

Move red dot through blockers and avoid collisions as they move back and forth.

Showing 941 - 954 of 954