📦 Latest MV2 Extensions

This list features soon-to-be-obsolete MV2 extensions, sorted from highest to lowest installed base. Although MV2 technology is about to become obsolete, the extensions in the list still provide reference value for developers, especially when looking for migration or optimization opportunities. Emulating the functional design of these extensions is a low-barrier-to-market option. However, developers need to do sufficient market research before attempting to develop similar products to assess whether there are unmet needs, while avoiding the risk of technological obsolescence during the transition period.

Save to Feedly Board


3.71 (55)10000

Quickly save an article you are reading in your browser in one of your Feedly boards



3.55 (55)10000

Шахматы - древняя стратегическая игра, появившаяся более полутора тысяч лет назад в Индии, и в которую теперь играют во всех частях…

EXE/DLL PE Viewer and Editor


2.80 (55)10000

This app lets you open, view and edit a variety of different 32 bit Windows executable file types such as EXE, DLL and ActiveX.

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Win the Day


4.05555555555555510000 users

Transform Your Browser To Improve Focus and Increase Productivity

Voice to text notebook


3.777777777777777710000 users

Online speech recognition and audio transcribing notebook

Showing 2021 - 2040 of 63800