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This list of new extensions launched in the last 30 days is an important reference tool for observing new trends in the market. Through this list, developers can learn what new features and innovations are currently available in the market and discover underdeveloped segments or user pain points. This is a valuable resource for developers who have not yet determined the direction of their development, and can help them identify market needs.

AI Reviews Summary for Google Maps

5.00 (4)24

Save hours reading Google Maps reviews! ChatGPT analyzes customer feedback instantly, providing key insights and recommendations.

High-Vis Grades for Gradescope

5.00 (1)1

Accurately calculates and displays the overall course grade for a course on Gradescope

Google Analytics 4 Audit

0.00 (0)5

Perform a GA4 audit with actionable checks in 4 seconds.

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510 users

Look up Chinese by hovering over words.

OppuTrac Job Tracker (Beta)

0.000 users

Easily capture and organize opportunities from job boards in OppuTrac. Streamline your search with automated tracking!

Showing 4361 - 4380 of 4398