♻️ Recently Updated

This list identifies extensions that have released updates in the last 30 days. Frequently updated extensions often mean that they are still active in the market and that developers are serious about optimizing features and user experience. Developers can look at these updates to analyze user preferences and see which features are being frequently improved or fixed, and thus find their product entry points. Active updates may also signal a better market outlook and are a source of learning and reference for developers.

Conversa PRO

0.00 (0)5

Adicione um copiloto de IA ao WhatsApp. Crie mensagens impactantes, automatize respostas e otimize suas conversas! πŸš€

Bookmarks to Tab Groups

0.00 (0)0

Convert Chrome bookmarks to Tab Groups rules

SaveFullPage - Full Page Screenshot Tool

5.00 (2)4

Capture screen of current page: Edit, crop, and save full-page screenshots as JPEG, PNG, or PDFβ€”all in one easy-to-use tool

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0.000 users

is an instrument that uses ink, color or lead to write on a surface

PHI Korrektur

0.000 users

Correction Extension for the PHI ERP System

Showing 501 - 520 of 1747