♻️ Recently Updated

This list identifies extensions that have released updates in the last 30 days. Frequently updated extensions often mean that they are still active in the market and that developers are serious about optimizing features and user experience. Developers can look at these updates to analyze user preferences and see which features are being frequently improved or fixed, and thus find their product entry points. Active updates may also signal a better market outlook and are a source of learning and reference for developers.

IFrame Generator


0.00 (0)20

Check if page can be embedded in iframe and generate iframe code with customizable options

TabMagic - AI Tab Manager

5.00 (2)7

Effortlessly manage tabs powered with AI summarizer

Sigma GPT

0.00 (0)10

An AI-powered assistant that enhances your browsing experience by providing real-time insights and personalized support directly…

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58 users

GaIA Extension From Gatewatcher

Rynus Labeling & AI

140 users

Join AI data labeling tasks and start earning exciting rewards.

Showing 1701 - 1707 of 1707