🌲 Established Extensions

该列表列出了过去 360 天内安装量在 1,000 到 5,000 之间的扩展程序,按发布日期从最新到最旧排序。此安装量范围内的扩展程序已经取得了显著的成功,并且可能在用户中形成了一定的品牌影响力。开发人员在尝试开发类似产品时需要非常谨慎,尤其是当这些扩展程序的安装量刚刚超过 1,000 时,因为它们在市场上的竞争力通常很高。如果您打算切入市场,这是您的最后机会,但您需要进行市场调查并让您的功能与众不同。

Lorem Ipsum Generator


5.00 (4)1000

Use lorem ipsum generator to create dummy text. Generate specified count text elements from characters to paragraphs of lorem ipsum

WAV to MP3

4.63 (8)1000

Simple WAV to MP3. Use the WAV to MP3 converter to effortlessly convert WAV to MP3. Transform your WAV file to MP3 quickly.

AI Math Solver


4.69 (77)4000

Effortless AI Math Solver: Use AI to solve math tests, get step-by-step solutions, and solve problem using pictures with Math AI.



MajorGeeks yToggle


51000 users

Switch between Ads Free Mode and Normal Mode for YouTube.

EPUB to PDF converter

51000 users

Instant EPUB to PDF conversion. Transform eBooks effortlessly with our Chrome extension. Fast, secure, and user-friendly

显示 341 - 360 共 1362