📦 Latest MV2 Extensions

此列表列出了即将淘汰的 MV2 扩展,按安装基数从高到低排序。尽管 MV2 技术即将淘汰,但列表中的扩展仍为开发人员提供了参考价值,尤其是在寻找迁移或优化机会时。模仿这些扩展的功能设计是一种低门槛的市场选择。然而,开发人员在尝试开发类似产品之前需要进行充分的市场调研,以评估是否存在未满足的需求,同时避免过渡期间技术淘汰的风险。

Brexit to [THE EVENT]

0.00 (0)0

Replaces Brexit with [THE EVENT], an equally catastrophic and unmentionable disaster.

Colonial Schoology Kiosk

0.00 (0)0

This is a Kiosk App that locks students into Schoology. Configured for Colonial School District in New Castle, DE.

UDS | Welcome to Washington | Right Display

0.00 (0)0

Fullscreen display of Welcome to Washington sign (right side).



UDS | Welcome to Washington | Left Display

0.000 users

Fullscreen display of Welcome to Washington sign (left side).

Kiosk Internet Website Mode


0.000 users

Type in a URL and keep the user at that URL

显示 62281 - 62300 共 63731