♻️ Recently Updated

此列表列出了过去 30 天内发布过更新的扩展程序。频繁更新的扩展程序通常意味着它们仍然活跃在市场上,并且开发人员认真对待优化功能和用户体验。开发人员可以查看这些更新来分析用户偏好,并查看哪些功能正在频繁改进或修复,从而找到他们的产品切入点。活跃的更新也可能预示着更好的市场前景,是开发人员的学习和参考来源。

Add to Reading List with Notifications

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Adds the current tab to Chrome's Reading List and provides dynamic notifications and feedback.

Web Resource Downloader

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Captures and downloads resources from web pages

GitHub Repo and File Size


0.00 (0)1

A Chrome extension that enhances GitHub's file browser by displaying file and repository sizes directly on GitHub.



Chupapi Munyanya

56 users

Chupapi Munyanya A simple add-on to quickly switch your proxy servers Currently only supports http/s proxy Import example:…


0.005 users

Snap a question, get an answer. Boost your grades with AI-powered assistance right in your browser.

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