Chrome 擴充功能列表
❌ Recently Deleted
此清單標識了過去 30 天內已刪除的擴充功能。透過研究這些擴展,開發人員可以了解用戶放棄它們的原因並避免犯下類似的錯誤,特別是如果這些擴展因違規而被刪除。此外,一些擴展可能由於非品質問題而被刪除(例如,開發者停止維護它們),這反而可能為開發者提供了切入市場的機會。無論如何,在開發類似產品之前進行徹底的市場調查非常重要,以確保合規性並降低被下架的風險。
Simple Notifications for Facebook
4.36 (11)112
Gives you a red bordred notification even with the social media platform Facebook is pinned.
0.00 (0)6
Get in-page access to ChatGPT, translate, rephrase, and view hyperlinks in place with PageTip
KitsRun File Converter
0.00 (0)202
Convert video, audio, and image files between 300+ formats easily & quickly.
Minimal Square - Webflow Chrome Extension
4210 users
Supercharge your Webflow productivity with the Minimal Square Chrome Extension.
Windmill - Overseas website accelerating tool
4.51752577319587630000 users
Windmill is a simple and easy to use overseas website accelerating tool, help users quickly open the website.