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This list of new extensions launched in the last 30 days is an important reference tool for observing new trends in the market. Through this list, developers can learn what new features and innovations are currently available in the market and discover underdeveloped segments or user pain points. This is a valuable resource for developers who have not yet determined the direction of their development, and can help them identify market needs.

Kontest Buddy

5.00 (3)10

Kontest Buddy Compare with your peers and compete Kontest Buddy Application where you can fetch and show you personal ratings and…


5.00 (1)1

Notifie les utilisateurs quand vous Γͺtes en live sur Twitch.

Linkedin Queens Puzzle Solver

5.00 (10)25

Solves the N-Queens puzzle and highlights the solution in the linkedin game

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Basic Reload Timer

0.003 users

Reloads the current tab at a set interval.

Keyvault Password Manager

0.002 users

A blockchain-based password manager.

Showing 4181 - 4200 of 4446