♻️ Recently Updated

This list identifies extensions that have released updates in the last 30 days. Frequently updated extensions often mean that they are still active in the market and that developers are serious about optimizing features and user experience. Developers can look at these updates to analyze user preferences and see which features are being frequently improved or fixed, and thus find their product entry points. Active updates may also signal a better market outlook and are a source of learning and reference for developers.

Testron Testing Co-pilot

5.00 (2)67

Test automation code generator using AI - Just click and generate

Cursor Trails - Custom Cursor Trails


0.00 (0)39

Fill your browsing experience with bright sparkling stars following your cursor on the screen



0.00 (0)1

Avitech - Smarter Email Writing Made Simple Avitech is a Chrome extension that helps you rewrite emails on Gmail with ease. Just…

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5165 users

A powerful web highlighter that lets you mark, annotate, and organize content across the web for better learning and research.

LinkedIn Connect Pro

55 users

Automate LinkedIn connection requests efficiently and professionally

Showing 941 - 960 of 1693