📈 Top Extensions

The list showcases the most popular extensions in the Chrome Web Store, sorted by the number of installs of the extensions. By analyzing the apps in the list, developers can gain insight into market demand and determine if there are opportunities to develop similar extensions. Highly installed extensions usually mean excellent user experience and feature design, but they also mean that it is more difficult to surpass them directly in a short period of time. Developers need to take full advantage of their own strengths and find a breakthrough through differentiated competition to gain a foothold in the fierce market.

Squatch SEO Tools

0.00 (0)0

Pulls SEO data points and displays them all in one, easy-to-use interface.

X Alert Extension

0.00 (0)0

x.com にアクセスした際にアラートを表示するChrome拡張。ホスト権限を不要とするため、拡張機能アイコンのクリックにより動作します。


0.00 (0)0

Spice - Become your own chef

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Secretary.Doctoreto To Excel


0.000 users

این افزونه اطلاعات نوبت های سایت منشی دکترتو را استخراج کرده و به فایل اکسل تبدیل می‌کند.

LinkedIn Content Blocker

0.000 users

Blocks LinkedIn posts containing specified keywords

Showing 155281 - 155300 of 155949